The big celebration in school...
For teacher's day
It was so hot backstage,
Nerve-racking just waiting for your turn up onstage performing
The fact that there was a super big delay didnt help at all
And also...
wearing a freaking short shirt, complete with a half-top jacket (or whatever you will call it)

Pratically smoldered in that no ventilation backstage
Super nerve-racking standing in front of the whole Dunman High cohort...
It was a miracle I didnt forgot the dance steps or...
overall I didn't think our performance was that bad
But I really hate just that stupid glittery stuff smeared all over our faces
UNWASHABLE...The teachers' performance was really not bad,
considering the little amount of time they have to prepare
Mr Ng was unbelievable
He actually sang...
Quite entertaining actually :)
After all those rehearsals and practice I guessed it has finally paid off...
Nobody forgot their dance steps and
Overall I didn't think it was that bad
The visit back to Gongshang Primary was quite pointless actually...
We only went to visit two teachers and our Science teacher didn't even recognize us -.-
AND the worst thing was
First time coming back to visit Gongshang in 2007
A fire in the school!
Everyone evacutated except for the teachers
with fire engines, sirens blaring rushing to the scene.
Quite cool, getting to witness all that excitement but
of all days teacher's day.
Real great to see all my friends again
WOW like some of them changed so much in appearance
It's like a different person :)
The guys werent that co-operative...
Bernice shld b still pissed off at them haha
Went to Tampines and Century just wandering aimlessly
talking about the "old" times when we were just P5 n P6
Last minute decision to watch Rush Hour 3 at Shaw
Freezing in the cinema
The movie was super humorous, but dun think it was worth paying 8 dollars for
Regreted watching the movie, Now currently with ZERO dollars left in my wallet!
Had to rush home for karate lessons...
Met a "new" girl at karate
Used to learn...
Brown Black now
Her punches were super powerful
and well her kicks were still quite ok
Sensei had her spar me and I was quite taken aback at her strength
My stomach stills hurt now...
Well, Bascially those are the events of my boring yesterday...
September holidays are quite useless actually
Teachers piling us with loads of homework
I rather go to school
Still got loads of unfinished homework
Plus exams just round the corner
PIA haha