Friday, 28 September 2007
2 Days to L.A. Exams!
My first brown belt training yesterday :D
Pretty tiring with drills
We had to do punches and low kicks after that for 5 mins
Lack of exercise and I couldnt stretch properly haha
The kids were super cute too :)
Havent been blogging for the past few days
too busy with preparation for exams
Still half way through T.K.A.M and havent started on M.O.V
am so
Gt to read T.K.A.M now
NoViA hugged teddy at 22:02
Friday, 21 September 2007
Had quite a fun time yesterday
We played volleyball right after school
Among ourselves
Jia Hui kept punching the ball hehe
Jia Min had a appointment wif Miss Ngau so she left early
Yi Jing was super pro at serving the ball :D
Played till about 2.45, some people practising volleyball needed the court
went to eat lunch in the canteen
Continued playing volleyball out in the
hot hot sun!
Playing with 2H and 2A was quite fun
they were pretty good I guess especially 2A with vballers in their classes
Me and JH went to run 2.4km :)
first time in one month
Phew after sooooo long of break for examinations our stamina was like super lousy
Must run more after examinations
Went as a class to Ghim moh to eat and most of them ended up eating cup noodles -.-
The celebration was quite not as bad as I expected haha
Nobody ate the pomelos from the pomelo peeling compeition
And the mooncake....
I didn't try but then most ppl said it wasnt nice xD
Zi Xuan started the pass the poke game...
It was rilli stupid and I kept getting poked by both Carrie and Jovina one from the back and one from the front :@
The Guzheng performance was like super long 10mins+ and it was incredible that the Guzheng players could concentrate with the amount of noise everyone was making
The hua ju was quite entertaining, the story about chang er
The last part was the best part of the concert
Mr Ken's singing was super funny intelligeble chinese words which lead to 2 wrong guess before the song jiang nan was guessed correctly, poor Mr ken :D
Back to the classroom, the classroom was locked and Esther, Yi Jing and Jia Min were playing wif the Sparkles outside the classroom, just beside the fire alarm haha
Well, I wouldnt mind a quick shower :p
Jia Min was carrying the Pikachu lantern on the way to Ghim Moh Primary lol
I was in the subsidise bus when I found out I
left my specs in school!Arg... I'm currently
half blind without a spare specs for the whole weekend
The subsidise bus to Pasir Ris was super cool like those coaches to Malaysia except the bus driver took a
super long way to Pasir Ris
He exit the highway at dunno wad exit and ended up at Bedok Reservoir Rd.
then he took the highway to Ikea, Courts Megastore
He went all the way to West Plaza and Elias Mall -.-
He missed two junctions to turn to the taxi stand which we usually board the bus
and he drove all the way to the fishing pond and stop us behind White Sands...
The best part was he told the students that he was going to West Plaza next to drop off the students who lived near West Plaza -.-''
We had to walk such a long way home :@
Missed my first lesson as a
brown belt :(
Rilli rilli need to start memorising the ming yan for HCL test!
I took like 1 hour to memorising 15 on Thurs...
and I havent even finished the first column with 170 to memorise
One more week to exams :DJIA YOU!~Byes
NoViA hugged teddy at 20:09
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
P.E. todae was rilli fun :D
we played
VOLLEYBALL!and guess wad i did?
haha I hit the volleyball into the Bball net :p
all of us were doubled over in laughter
except Mr. Siva who didnt seem amused LOL
Most of the ball we hit were either out or too high or hit the net haha
Sammy and Ct had power serves
and Ct won the whole game using her serves :)
We played against 2B and
surprisingly, and sadly :( we lost by a few points
We werent so bad after all still some hope for interclass i guess
Sprain a finger when i set and bruised a knuckle haha
Went to Pasir Ris KFC to eat again
With Jia Min and Yi Jing
Studied together after eating :D
And Han Lin suddenly pop out from nowhere
He was our maths tutor for the day
Went to popular for awhile to get some textbook for my sis
but was Out of stock
haha Jia Min ended up looking at the stickers, soft toys at popular
acting lame in the bookstore
-.- I remember the Dori the explorer haha
Still left the countless Chinese proverbs, phrases to memorise
bleah confirm fail xD
NoViA hugged teddy at 05:10
Friday, 14 September 2007
I got my BROWN belt yesterday!!!

yay after a long long w8...
I finally gt my new belt :D
Yesterday was super boring...
Wif 3 periods of maths and HCL :x
But karate was fun!
We had sparring again yesterday.
Loads of kids went too.
They were super cute haha
but some of them were rilli gd
Not much of injuries yesterday :)
Sparred SL, went super soft on me:D
then sparred Senpai Glen
His kicks were quite hard especially the low kicks xD
Still dun noe how to count properly :P
Must improve on that
I dun wanna go for Lantern Festival!!
My first lesson as a brown belt....
I dun wanna miss it *sobs*
Must rilli rilli start studying for E-O-Ys
Must Stop Procastinating :)
NoViA hugged teddy at 21:37
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Lesson todae started with ACC!
yeah so fun hahas
Me, sammy and jia hui were sitting right behind the classroom
playing soccer xD
Jia hui was soooo funny...
she scored own goal -.- lols
the ACC teacher kept staring at us :p
then at one pt of time, he remarked tt we were secondary students and not in pri sch any more
but it was just so super boring :x zzzz
learning about all those chinese history
During maths,
we had to do a proj on probability
Yay I owned Eunice Lee in Scissors, paper, stone :D
score 9-4, 5 ties
we were playing heart attack after finishing and miss ngau was asking us how it was played
Wu lao shi also bought some chocolates for us :)
Feli, Leslie and I shared the whole bar of toberlone bleah growing fat...
No bball training, feeling weird
Shld b gg to stadium for a run on sat
yay feel like running 4km now!!
We went White Sands to eat after school!
FIRST time in IOWA history haha
Thanks Jia min for letting me eat ur cheese fries :D
After lunch at KFC, we bought pretty flowers for our mothers =)
gotta start studying for science test tmrw...
NoViA hugged teddy at 03:34
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
The maths common test todae was quite okEasier than expectedbut then again...i dun usually do well for easy test hahaFINALLY finished my portfolioPhew...spent sometime decorating itlooks better than my sec1 one hahaSaw this rilli rilli big caterpillar todaeon the way homewill post a pic of it some other day :DGoing to bed now...zzzz~Byes
NoViA hugged teddy at 07:54
Monday, 10 September 2007
Time flies...Slacked the whole of the sept holsFirst day of school,blurry-eyed this morning used to waking up at 10+ every morningwell, just have to re-adapt to school life:D Didn't noe there was a Maths common test tmrw till Yi Jing told me hahaso blur...Done the cheat sheet, not rilli sure what to write inside actuallyGotta study for maths tmrwForgot all the past topics liao =xStill havent done revision for E-O-YsProcastination :DJia You!! haha for maths common test :)Must Study now ~ByEs
NoViA hugged teddy at 04:47
Friday, 7 September 2007
One more day...till the end of school hols :(Pigged out on Chocolate ice-cream yesterday :DAte a late dinner just before karate...Ended up having stitch hahaPhew yesterday's training was tough,Drills, followed by leg raise Even worse when sensei went round to step on ppl's stomachsAfter the sit-upswe still had time for LIGHT sparring...not that bad actually,except for the inner kicks one guy gave *ouch*bruises on my leg now!and it was supposed to be LIGHT sparring -.-lots of ppl came back yesterday haha :)too bad I didn't get my new beltHopefully I passed xDFelt rilli great exercising after like one week of sitting aroundeither staring at the com or doing my hwMissing Iowa :)After hols, common test...E-O-Ysyay then hols again hahajust have to survive about 3 months of schoolSupposed to study for E-O-Ys during holsin the end...played the whole of the holiday hahaHols homework not done bleahsMust enjoy the last two days of hols haha~bye :)
NoViA hugged teddy at 19:56
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Just watched BEWITCHED!super funny movie Screened super long ago butmy sis bought the Original dvd from Chinanever got the time to watch it hahaWas supposed to do the portfoliobut ended up watching the movie hahawith popcorn! :DHas been like ages since I last ever since last Friday?Arg... Feeling super fat now hahaAte too much chocolate and popcornMy microsoft word keeps hanging on me bleah :pthink its time to sleep zzz...bye
NoViA hugged teddy at 07:45
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Went to CUT my hair todae,
rilli short now!
I cant believe we hav to pin up our fringe -.-
Half-way through the tons of hols homework :D
Doing portfolio...
Wun bore you wif boring details of todae..
Some of the pics during teacher's day at gongshang B4 the fire!
In the 5.8 Classroom... Tables and Chairs are so super tiny :)
Outside our former class, the Charlotte's web we painted still there! Front Door.

Back Door.
Back to doing the portfolio.
tata :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 04:49
Monday, 3 September 2007
Another yet again super boring day...
Well, was supposed to do my homework
but ended up on a blog-spree tagging at my pri school frendz blogs
haha xD
Half way through that Lee Kuan Yew history project...
Biographies etc.
Dun rilli feel like studying though exams are like super near hahas :D
Feelin super sianz
Quite peaceful in the hse the whole afternoon when my sis's gone...
too bad she's coming back soon
Back to finishing my project
NoViA hugged teddy at 02:57