Monday, 28 January 2008
Just came back from rock-climbing pt :D
5 sets of pull-ups + push-ups
we had pe just b4 tt so we poned the running part haha.
Todae's pe wasn't tt bad 3.3km but i seriously hate the overhead bridge part.
Have Geog and Chinese Assignments already sth about family tree :X
All due after chinese new year!! So soon!
Have to do homework on CNY lol.
Todae's lesson was like super boring and only two breaks.
And the maths and Lit teacher wasn't here.
The two Indonesian visitors that came to our class todae looked seriously scared of desiree and jordana haha
Yepps think my arms are gonna ache tmrw.
*yawns* Gdnitez :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 06:19
Friday, 25 January 2008
Just woke up
Went with Liesl, Min Lin and Enan to tampines mall to shop for b'dae pressies
haha I saw Bernice there and the volleyballers... (she's stalking me, jk :D)
There wasn't bio lesson yesterday! haha
Got switch to the front by Mr Keith. I dun like sitting in front! It suxs!!
DISC was not bad though but it almost ruined our plan of gg to tampines mall.
The poor teacher was left with i think 5 ppl coz all of us said we had to go off.
He cheated 20 mins of our life! :P
Dhs bball won 3 matches YAY! all three they played so far but they need one more to qualify and the next two is against dunman sec and chung cheng oh no, JIA YOU! :)
PON last week's karate so yesterday wasn't that bad.
Last Sunday outdoor training was CRAZY!
We ran i think mayb 5km around pasir ris park with push-ups in between, did high kicks and wheelbarrows up steps and the froggy hopping thingy up steps too.
the guys were like so fast and most of us just stayed behind and lag haha
And after all that...
We did kihon all the punches and stuff, shagged already.
THEN we did drills barefooted on the grass,
ewwww i think i killed like more than 5 insects that day! :x
ya and there was tt kata compeition and micheal was hilarious rofl
giving a miserly one to every group :p
but we didnt win in the end though haha
The most unbelievable thing i saw was LIU YI HUI AT THE PARK!!! zomg
she said she was jogging...
haha i think the last place i thought i would meet her was at the park! :D
After that we went to KFC and i was like the ONLY gurl, getting teased by all of them
YA i hav a boyfriend haha (not telling hu :p)
Next training I hav to spar 10ppl!!!
So screwed man.
the last time i fought 4 i was shagged already
School homework!
The maths teacher teaches like a bullet train.
SURDS. dun rilli understand half of what she's saying
and Enduring understanding = Small Big Ideas = Medium Ideas haha
and chinese! Chinese test on the first official week of school!
haha but i think dhs chinese papers are harder than the VJ ones
Ending off with...
NoViA hugged teddy at 19:37
Friday, 18 January 2008
SCHOOL'S Starting!
Bridging curiculum wasn't that bad...
The games during the lessons were the best parts of the week!
yesterday was super funny coz we were watching the parts of pink panther in class
heh. i noe how to play the pink panther song. there's a demo on youtube
Ahhhhh! there's a chinese cheng yu test next week
super duper screwed! i like dunno more than half of all the cheng yus...
i havent rilli finished writing the english meanings left with 20 more :D
I rilli hope that i will get into the electives i bidded for
Physio and Marine Bio! :P
Flatland's still lying untouched on my desk. I am only still on the first page of flatland after 1 month?!
LOLS too lazy and BUZY to read!
Left early at yesterday's OG BBQ and I pon karate for tt :(
Outdoor training on sunday! YAY! first in a long long time
Hopefully there's like nothing on next tues, i wanna go watch the match against NAS
OMG I rilli can't believe they won MJS yay!! Super cool :p
PHOTOS in class during physics

NoViA hugged teddy at 20:11
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Just enough time for a short short post yupps :D
I think I'll join rock-climbing and fencing as CCA
Tentative, knowing my fickle-mindedness haha
yupps I went for rock-climbing yesterday
quite fun, and we climbed the high wall and all that stuff
It was like all the way at Farrer Park which is so super far away... (North-East Line)
By the time I finally made it home it was 8.45? or maybe slightly earlier?
My hands are aching badly now, (fingers actually) and it hurts playing the piano!
so screwed man.
Todae's lesson wasnt that bad because of the games we had.
Yepps and todae's RUI TING's B'DAE!! :)
heh she gave us chocolates as a present? haha
Fencing's tmrw soo... probably wun see me online
*yawns* getting tired.
Cya :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 05:54
Friday, 11 January 2008
havent been blogging for quite a long time...
Had orientation with the JC ppl first week of school
My OG was great with loads of very fun ppl and I even got to noe one guy hu was from the same primary school as me whose brother was my sister's fren :D
The mass dances were quite boring and by that time, most of us were super tired.
but Sea Regetta rocks!! heh.
The games were super fun!
Getting buried in the sand, playing sea volleyball and getting wet :)
Then we went out as an OG to sakae after bathing of course, sitting there chatting for close to 3 hours :p
This week was great...
Just project work, no formal lessons
PENGUIN!! :p haha
Making the bread was super funny,
But it was a success. YAY!
dun rilli feel like blogging
Stopping here

NoViA hugged teddy at 20:28
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!hols are over... :(
Past few days has been rilli fun with orientation in VJC and all that
Getting to meet my new classmates, know the school
Though I still rilli miss IOWA! and DHS,
its rilli great to make new friends the PSLs from VJC and all 08V12 ppl :)
08V12 is OVERPOPULATED with VS guys!
For the IPO orientation, I was like in the same grp as Ignatius :x
Gonna spend like another 2 more YEARS with him...
Everyone rilli got to know each other
Heh I think I finally remembered everyone's name in the class!
Wacko and double wacko was fun, but gosh I was like rilli S.L.O.W.
The second day of orientation was the WET games :D
The boat we built was like small, the smallest one in our class haha
I managed to get quite wet, getting sprayed by Yasmine (who by the way almost always misses xD) and Mary-anne lol
But the worse part was the debrief when the PSLs bombarded us with buckets of water!
At least kimberly was drenched in the process with me! :) lols
The last day of the IPO orientation was some game between the 4 classes
We came in last but it was fun
We had this class outing at plaza singapura yesterday...
21 PPL turned up for our first class outing, great start
The girls and the PRC scholars ended up eating at KFC while the guys were over at Macs
We were rilli lucky to get movie tickets for I Am Legend though initially we wanted to watch National Treasure
Some of the girls were screaming (including me haha) during those scary parts of the movie where the zombie is attacking the guy
But we had a good laugh after the movie.
That was rilli a memorable movie but I wun want to watch it a second time, not even for free
Shopped around a bit after the movie then we walked all the way,
one mrt station to cineleisure to take neos
Eventually there were like 6 girls and 3 guys left when we reached cine
The neo print machine was like rilli fast and the guys, their first time taking a neoprint were super funny...
haha they didnt noe where the camera was and were to look :D
the first picture ended up cutting off the guys lols
and we were like screaming in the booth coz the machine was snapping pictures with a very short time frame in between :)
The picture turned out quite ugly coz the situation was quite frantic
The orientation with the JCs is tmrw and the bad news is that I HAV to wake up at 6+
yupps back to school :x

NoViA hugged teddy at 01:16