Friday, 29 February 2008
yoz! in class now :D
YAY! end of term 1
next week to pahang!
there are LEECHES there!
zomg blood-sucking LEECHES ahhhh...
had my music exam yesterday and poned school :D
but i totally SCREWED the EXAM!
started on the wrong octave for scales and sight-reading so i'm so super screwed
Haven't been going for CCA the past few weeks due to piano.
so yong gong rite?
everyday practice scales, sight-reading and piano pieces!
slept at 2 am yesterday due to chionging of san dai tong tang. >.<
how typical of me.
should rilli change the habit of chionging homework till past midnight
and then sleepwalk through the next day of school
still remember some of the projects i stayed up rilli late
the history timeline in sec 1 stayed up till 3+ so i had like only 3 hours of sleep
the next day in school i was like half falling asleep through most of the lessons
yeah and also another chinese project
xiao yuan bi ji...
think i slept at 2+ too so it wasn't as bad as the history one
and to think after experiencing countless timeless of burning the midnight oil, i would have learnt my lesson.
Just can't seem to kick the bad habit.
the teachers gave us like so many zillion homework for march hols :X
and for L.A. we have to read through this rilli super duper thick book!
i think it weighs about 1 kg!
yikes and i have some house com camp and rock-climbing camp during the school hols so i'll probably have only 3 days or lesser to finish up all my homework
plus there's a video project due on school re-open regarding VJC open-house.
AND in addition to the overwhelming workload,
we have
TESTS! on the first week of school re-open.
Literature and higher chinese. :(
Holiday at VJC means
MORE HOMEWORK!!!Haven't played bball for a long long time.
There is like no girls in the IP 1 level who plays bball
and playing with tall guys is no fun especially when they like to block all ur shots.
okie shall stop crapping here now
~iAdios :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 00:27
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
ok two posts in one day.
extremely rare.
tt's just becoz i'm bored and emoing over maths.
so BLUE! :D
okie so i shall post some rilli overdue photos and

Sumo sammy,super centre bestest frend eva <3

Eliz, super foward <3

super genius feli, super pro shooter <3

ME!! <3<3 heehee

Rajoo RAGE! super centre <3

Lee jia hui, super blur centre cum foward :D <3

Sarah kong! super foward and netball player :D heehee <3

Us on the stairs, taken by security guard. LOL


Huddle huddle

Hugs! <3

Serious formal..

The umbrella dance :D LONDON BRIDGE!
~bball! :P
NoViA hugged teddy at 03:32
OMG my music exam's in 2 days time!!
I'm gonna screw my scales and sight-reading.
I HATE practical.
I HATE maths!
first 0! in my life.
0 as in egg.
0 as in oval shaped zero?!
i'm so super pissed.
and I think i'm gonna screwed la too.
dots i screwed the whole of this semester larh.
crap I HATE maths!
Screwing up my life.
and i haven't done san dai tong tang too.
and practice my piano for todae.
and done my la essay.
and maths homework.
----------------I HATE HOMEWORK-------------------
Went with yi tong to macs todae for lunch.
we were like mixing all the stuff
chill sauce+ sugar+ salt+ pepper + coke etc.
super disgusting
and I think the macs auntie suspected..
coz she kept looking at us. haha

mixture :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 02:36
Friday, 22 February 2008
heh... whole morning gone
and all i did
was practice piano and 1 question of Maths
Next week's test week
Hope we wouldn't hav to take our geog test in the stuffy lt
Studio Practice later
Just talked to Jovina on the phone,
Realised that I've missed out on so much
I rilli miss DHS and IOWA!
The culture is so different.
I'm so TIRED of change,
still not used to the new environment.
I need a TIMEOUT!
away from these crazy weeks of homework,CCA and tests.
Thinking of getting a punching bag at home,
but my parents are sure to object.
Can't go for karate demo tmrw...
Music lesson :(
Can't believe that song leng got his black belt!!
GOAL: Black before end of SEC 4.
I look so super ugly on the membership card ><
the picture quality suxs.
I have no idea wad i'm gonna write for san dai tong tang.
1000 words! tt's like super duper long
Anyone selling time?
Seem to have lesser time everyday.
I have to buy 2 b'dae pressies
and go back to dhs sometime for my yearbook,
find time to watch P.S. I love you,
finish all my homework,
study for the tests next week,
somehow perfect my scales and pieces,
call sammy.
NoViA hugged teddy at 21:16
Feeling so stressed out...
All the tons of school homework and poning all my CCAs to practice piano which I'm not doing now.
Heh haven't rilli got the time to socialise with classmates and sec school frens
Had physics test todae.
I shan't say i think i screwed it but
I think I am screwed haha
that was lame
this blog posts are getting lamer by post.
got karate later.
Super tired now.
VIP is so stressful
OMG this week has seriously loads of weekend homework
4 tests next week.
oh and Singapore won the Youth Olympics ytd
we shld rilli get a FULL DAY!
Finished my chem video (Actually half-done, still need the sound music and stuff)
Listening to this emo song now
ohya I went back to DHS on tues!!!
and I saw
Actually i went back to train with them :D
yeah but i kinda slacked haha
ran only 2 rounds?
and we da dui at the end of training
and I sat jia hui's car to tampines
just like the old old times
and taking bus with eliz back home
just that she moved house
so its a different bus
so fun
miss playing bball so much
haven't rilli got time to ball nowdays
too busy wif homework and piano
which reminds me...
6 DAYS to exam
but on the brighter side
I get to pon a bit of school
Still haven't touched san dai tong tang
and I think sun got karate demo
if i'm not wrong
and I dun think I can go...
Coz i dunno the kata thing
I am gonna go practice my sight-reading now
its super crappy
I sux at it.
And aural too.
I HATE aural.
can't seem to figure out the time signituare and sing in time with the piece
Oops time for karate.
Best of Luck to everyone out there who has tests next week :)
I thought I had gotten rid of you,
but ridding myself of you is just harder than I thought.
Stop bugging me, you bugger.
NoViA hugged teddy at 02:51
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Yay! Got voted into house! :D
TY for the votes haha
yeah have been rilli rilli busy lately
taking time off all CCAs for the coming pratical exams!
its in 8 days time
zomg i'm so screwed
Next week is the super lots of test week.
and then to PAHANG!
missing so many cca trainings
and the gazillion unfinishable homework.
Had chem test on tues
bet i flunked it
totally didn't study can...
too busy wif homework and stuff
I should learn not to get distracted by MSN
everyone's talking and I can't concentrate
i took like 1 hr + to learn 10 words for yesterday's ting xie
haha its like so super long just becoz of MSN
Tmrw's elective AGAIN!
the teacher always ot one
he should like also give us extra pay
he's wasting like 1 hr of my life every week
Though i must admit video's getting to be a little tinny itty bit fun
but there's loads of homework for video too.
And the soon to be due bio projectS.
Not finished.
Probably should change this blog's name to not finished.
Everything is not done.
Including the due in 9 days san dai tong tang.
and physics assignment
the long
actually there's much much more homework
just that i'm pretty lazy to list them all
and once again
I'm wasting my time on blogging.
wad am i doing blogging?
gotta go practice and
and *rolls*
oops wasting time again
see what i mean
gosh so crappy todae
~iAdios :P
NoViA hugged teddy at 05:18
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Countdown to music exam...
15 DAYS!!!
Yeah haven't got the time to blog frequently
sooo this shall be a short short post
5 Projects and 4 of them have to be done by Mon
Lit, Bio x2 and 1 L.A. Essay
and what does this spell?
super duper haha
haven't got the time yet to get back to dhs :(
I want my yearbook.
Feeling like really tired in class lately and have been struggling to stay awake during lessons.
3rd period pe tmrw!
I hate morning pe.
yucks. having lessons when you are sweaty and stinky.
Wishing everyone
NoViA hugged teddy at 06:31
Friday, 8 February 2008
End of CNY hols
Great deal of red packet collecting and junk food stuffing.
Boy! 2 days just passed so quickly.
Had haagen Dazs ice-cream cake on thursday.
Ice-cream factory! :D
Visiting is so damn tiring.
Putting on the stupid fake smile, politely answering questions or just stare blankly at the tv.
OR you could just stuff yourself with new year goodies and hopefully get sick so that you needn't finish all your homework.
yeah... dunno why but i'm feeling a bit sacarstic.
Mayb its due to long list of homework i'm left with?
Just finished crapping about zhi zu for the chinese song homework and i just realised i have forgotten to bring back my chinese zuo wen bu.
how typical.
Must be getting old or all the celebrating is getting into my head.
At least I got to play bball during CNY.
The long long list of homeworks' getting depressing.
Contributing factor to my sacarsm?
Visited Malaysia yesterday.
Actually this time was for a small little stupid chop to clear my passport and the reason why i didn't have that chop was that the custom at malaysia closed when i was leaving malaysia and they just let everyone go without stamping the passport. And now, they are blaming us for not checking our passport?! So the custom guy claims its our fault and gave us some warning thing. -.-
Drove all the way there for some stupid chop.
Ate brunch at secret recipe which at least made up for the waste of time and went back to Singapore.
yeah... and back to another round of visiting
mostly sat in front of the television stoning and talked to some ppl there.
Feeling so slacky.
L.A. project and video are both due soon.
Dunno if its me but seems that loads of ppl have relatives who have passed on last year
Birth rate < Death rate (Geog)
haven't started on geog.
Spending the rest of sat and sun at homework finishing off homework and the teachers' were wrong when they said CNY is a good break.
Back to work.

i'm taller than my aunt! :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 23:19
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Yesterday's CNY celebration was BORING!
We had lion dance performance AGAIN.
Have been watching it every year since primary school.
And in dhs, every time when visitors come for exchange programme
and tt was super often.
Nobody told me we couldn't wear orientation T to school!
Becoming blur. should go join balls of density club.
At least we were having fun in the back of the hall.
There were people sleeping, listenging to mp3, lying on the floor during assembly
haha was hilarious
The hit the can game was officially a loss.
We made like 13 dollars?!
and the cute tortise themselves cost at least 16
Andrew, Manu and endre were like using the paintbrush to cane the tortise, poor tortise
Enan has like finished half of his homework and i haven't even started
Some visiting boys ( i mean BOYS rilli small ones, I was taller than them! :P) think they were from India came and won most of the prizes
and we didn't charge them!
We're such nice ppl
Yeah... think they are from cricket
they managed to hit down most of the cans that guys at least 3 years older couldn't hit!
so cool man
AND the VS guys left at 10.
All wanted to go back to sec school
Everyone cleared out after they left.
Went back to class room where i slacked wif desiree and yi tong
under the comforts of the air-con instead of gg to the bball court
becoz no one wants to play bball :(
Desiree's frens came to our class and they were like celebrating desiree's b'dae?
Gosh their screams were like super duper loud.
Finally everyone decided to leave.
me and yi tong were walking ahead when we saw...
The principal, Mr. Chan Po Meng!
outside the staffroom.
we were like zomg desiree's screwed.
yi tong was like trying to call and warned desiree but she just walked down the stairs and waved at yi tong
the whole thing was like super hilarous coz desiree and her frens just talked normally to the principal when all her frens were in homeclothes
they were like Hello! Happy Chinese New Year...
And when he walked of all of us starting laughing like crazy
they didn't even noe they were talking to the principal
Ate lunch with Yi tong at the canteen then we went to bedok mrt together
Went to Jalan Bersa CC at lavender to play badminton with sammy :D
Tt place is like so super duper ulu -.-
Both of us are pretty good considering we are not pro badminton players
There was this couple making out at the stairs when we were leaving.
Can't they be more discreet? -.-
Ate two cups of ice-cream after playing
which equally means gaining back all the calories I've just lost
Durian and rasberry ripple just like at experience xD
I'm like eating ice-cream everyday.
VJC shld rilli organise the cross-country before CNY
Looking at the amount of junk food, ice-cream and CNY goodies I eat everyday, I'll wouldn't be able to run properly after CNY
gtg visiting...
yay! collecting red packets :)
~tata <3

NoViA hugged teddy at 18:35
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Went to Haagen-Dazs todae for ice-cream with yi tong!
And we went to the library
haha :)
Strawberry ice-cream roxs
Tmrw's school ends at 12.30!
so super duper late lor
Dun think I'm gg back to Gongshang anyways
coz they end at like 10?!
Dhs got the day off. zomg 'O' level results top history again...
todae's lesson was like so sianz
L.A. is an energy drainer
Lit is also super enegry draining.
Going to school by myself tmrw. (First time)
unhealthy food!
Carbonated drinks!
Red packets!!! :D
yeah... got to do geog research
Happy Chinese New Year!~tata

NoViA hugged teddy at 05:17
Monday, 4 February 2008
CNY! yay! can't w8
Sparring on Friday, still ok
compared to the sparrings we did last time
i think i sparred at least 10 ppl
:D got brusies on both legs and chest...
maybe i shld consider popping internal injury pills haha
yepps but its was quite fun
de zui a lot of ppl on fri
kicked everyone on the head :X
The "Class" outing on sat was -.-
Only the four of us, me, jia hui, jovina and yi jing went
with felicia and... haha
Felicia went to watch One Missed Call before we arrived
No one else in the cinema lor haha
Kallang Leisure Park is so ulu -.-
Outside the mall has like ah beng's smoking
and the shopping centre is so totally deserted.
The Cold Storage has NO RECEPTION! :P
It was like so super sian tt we all, the 4 of us,
decided to watch 27 Dresses!
The movie roxs :)
YAY! She didn't marry the uglier, older guy.
24 DAYS to music exam! ah...
Doing Geog now.
Can't find anything useful on the internet.
Some population density proj.
The teachers' are trying to spoil our CNY by piling homework on us.
So Far...
2 HCL projects, 1 Geog, 1 Maths Assignment etc. (cant remember and lazy to list out)
anyways its so depressing.
A Homework filled CNY.
08V12 is like a mugger society.
everyone's doing homework ahead of the deadline
So stressed!
I dun understand most of the stuff the teacher's are crapping about
So gonna screw Sem 1
The teachers' are like bullet trains.
Finishing topics in less than 1 week?!
Officially on Hi Card!
BYE! Hi! :(
NUMBER CHANGED!Getting lamer
Played bball todae
super Tyco.
Always lose one.
Gonna chiong all the homework on Sun!
CNY no Karate!*sobs*
here comes 1 kg haha
must maintain under 50 so tt I still can fight under lightweight!
zomg, so much crap.
shall stop here now.
~tata :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 05:42