Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Todae's a really crazy and funny day!
Totally Bizzare!
Went to Raffles city ben and jerry's for free cone day
and I saw
LEE JIA HUI there!!!
the blur united! :D
haha. it was like super funny! coz we queued twice and the ice-cream's like super duper nice!
Strawberry and cookie dough rocks! :)
I feel super fat coz we bought doughnuts from doughnut factory too! >.<
Then Bernice me and some other rock-climbers plus aaron went to the bus stop to take a bus to farrer park and they decided to take a cab to reach there before 5 so that we can pay$6
Its was like super dumb coz we were flagging cabs near the bus stop AT CITY AREA.
and none of the empty cabs stopped!
And the best part was that aaron psed us and went to take bus 14 which dunno goes where!
So we waited for 131 which was annoyingly slow to come.
The weirdest and most traumatizing part was that when we boarded the bus,
there was this indian guy who was gesturing some hand signals to us? and i was stupid enough to gesture back to him coz we all thought that he couldn't talk or sth.
And we got a super big shock when he suddenly talked!
Its like super bizzare lar.
Then he started scolding me of god-knows-what reason coz apparently we looked down on him or sth when we didn't!
And he started saying i'm like his daughter?! and the old man sitting beside him could probably be a multi-millionaire?!
And he started telling me about himself,
He apparently:
- lives in a condo?!
- got no freedom (so what was he doing on the bus??!!)
- has been on the bus since 8am in the morning and we boarded the bus around 5pm
- has been on the bus for 5 rounds around the bus route
It was like super weird and scary!!!!
Some stranger starts talking to you and scolding you and I dun even noe why he's scolding me!
yepps that was some
MEMORABLE event man!
I don't think I will be taking that bus no anytime soon!
Finally reached climbasia and aaron managed to reach earlier than us!
He owes us for psing like tt!
I missed A for physics by 1 mark!!!! arg @#%$#*@#
Lesson Learnt: tao any person that talks to you on the bus next time!
NoViA hugged teddy at 07:25
Monday, 28 April 2008
Parents-teacher meeting is in one week's time and I'm doomed!
>.< SCREWED MAN! luckily they are only meeting 3 teachers :X Dunman high had their speech day yesterday! and the bballers went out to watch movie without me :(
They are going pahang too!
On some culture camp without the disgusting
LEECHES and they are sleeping on proper beds.
I haven't done NAPFA >.<
Coz i managed to strain my freaking thigh muscle during karate @#%#$*&
AND TAY doesn't let me play bball with an injury. :(
yepps I conclude that I'm accident prone!
1. Cuts on hands and legs from falling
2. Bruises on shin from getting kicked
3. Strained thigh muscle (seriously
And i think i'm running for sports day!
i wannna get my brown black belt!!
my black tape is four months away. *sobs*
CA1 results are out for chinese and maths
I passed both but the marks are like super duper crappy
LESS THAN 60i'm gonna get skinned alive :X
I'm BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Slacking in the com lab now
oh and
-100 degrees of lameness
NoViA hugged teddy at 17:28
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Yesterday was IP open house.
Burnt my whole saturday!
Being a presenter was quite slack, standing there waiting for people to ask questions and just screening videos and there was air-con!
:D Watched some of the infocom videos and past senior works which were quite interesting :P
It was quite boring so we were playing with the helium filled balloons in the elective hub, tying them to people's hair and sandesh's specs.
The video we filmed on friday looked super unprofessional compared to the ones filmed by the infocom >.< There was mass dance at 3 at the concourse. Everyone was just following the SCs but we didn't do the friendship dance. After the open house we were supposed to go to andrew's house to do the chinese project, but we had to lug all the heavy metal stands up to the third floor to keep them. And we realised that we had to keep all of them in their respective bags which took quite a long time with a malfunctioned air-con in the room.
After taking ages to sort out all the metal banners, we went to andrew's house to "do" chinese project, songkai, me, andrew and janice with some IP2s, Gerald, Marc, Sandesh and ren jie and some IP1s Enan, Lihui, Elgin, Zheng Feng and clarence crashing out project.
The soccer court was booked when we reached there so we ended up playing basketball with this american? guy.
He was super nice and quite good but the court sucked.
Playing in skirt was freaking uncomfortable and shooting properly in uniform is damn difficult!
After playing basketball, we went to thai pan to eat dinner and the guys ate like 2 bowls of rice each?!
We played zhong ji mi ma after dinner with a truth or dare forfeit.
Songkai had to walk around the swimming pool without his shirt on,
Andrew talked to the chair for 3 mins and kissed it,
Elgin proposed to the coconut tree,
I had to stand on a chair and do some karate move and yell YEE-HAA. >.<
Janice had to kiss kundan's face on the paper bag for 1 min. haha.
And we found out a certain something about marc :D Elgin, songkai, andrew and Janice had to go off after the game and the rest either couldn't or didn't want to go home. So we went to the VS hostel to play bball again! haha. It was a super dysfunctional game of bball. It was like super dark at the bball court, with little lighting. And super hilarous game. Gerald was mistaken as clarence and marc looked a little like ren jie. And both were in different teams.
Sandesh managed to miss the board 2 times? Lol.
:D It was a super high and crazy game of bball in the dark.

NoViA hugged teddy at 22:18
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
SHAGGED!just came back after rock-climbing training and my toes are killing meeee!!
the rock shoes are like super duper small.
Did endurance todae coz there's NDP cheerleading tmrw >.<
sadly i couldn't complete the route :(
Todae's chem test was super screwed :X
first question's already wrong.
Super pissed with elective!
still have to do the script plus the filming.
And we need volunteers for male actors
Female actresses are also welcomed!
PLZ HELP!yesterday was a super nice monday
though my timing for the 2.4 run was super crappy.
yeah but i
totally owned the guys at bball!
so totally cool :D
yepps shld work more on dai qiu skills.
IP open house's this saturday!
NoViA hugged teddy at 07:22
Friday, 18 April 2008
went with bernice and some rock seniors to pennisula plaza todae to buy rock shoes! :)
omg the shoes are like super small! haha.
uk size 4!
hopefully it will expand xD
I'm soooo happy with my bio results!
and i studied for like 2 hours after rock-climbing? haha super cool man!
finally a test where i didn't fail or on the borderline of failing.
we watched hotel rwanda during geog!
its super sad and brutal :X
but scarily real.
hard to believe that it really happened just over a decade ago!
its really sad how the rwanda's population were killed in crossfires and shot mercilessly >.<
was researching on Zimbabwean for geog refugee project and the situation is scarily similar.
Political and economic unstability.
yepp. all of us are lucky dudes. born in a safe but also stressful country.
but i guess worrying for ur lives everyday would be worse...
there's cheer prac tmrw.
back to school on a saturday ><
and dozens of homework!
and video project is due soon!
The script is not even done yet!
plus for ip open house on 26th april,
we have to do some ip open house video for the video elective thing ><
loads of stuff!
off to karate...
~stressed out :X
NoViA hugged teddy at 03:58
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Met Sarah last night.
She came over to VJC for the compulsory chinese drama nite
though it wasn't so bad.
:D but it ended much later then expected, 10.30.
Some of the singing parts were quite cool and the actors had rilli great voices but the sound system was seriously screwed.
The music was so much louder than the mike volume which meant that half the time the audience couldn't even hear the actors.
Wasn't that bad before the intermediate break but was rilli tired after the break.
Plus not having enough sleep the night before coz i was reading CHERUB!!!
Lihui, Yi tong, enan and some others left during the intermediate break, but i decided to stay together with Sarah.
Missed her loads.
And of course the rest of the bball team and the other Dhs peeps.
but all couldn't make it due to some test thingy the following morning :(
Went to parkway for dinner and met her there.
Chatted about school and obviously a certain person :D
And we met Marcus on the bus.
Super coincidental.
its like the 3rd or 4th time meeting him on the bus?
Oh and the house banner isn't done yet. ><
supposed to finish it by fri but was a little short of time and they had to close up the gates and classes.
Painting it was harder than expected and messier.
and enan got paint on his pants.
LOL. It was kinda chaotic at first when we realised that by painting on the corridors without laying a layer of newspaper under the banner, we stained part of the corridor.
Luckily we realised that the paint seeps through the banner or we would have painted aquila on the corridors accidentally. ><
but its good publicity :D
Elearn was quite boring,
everything they taught were mostly common sensical.
Wasted 3 hours on "learning" about research.
And clever me managed to cut my hand on project skills workshop book. :S
Videomaniac's final project is due soon and
I am S.C.R.E.W.E.D
10 minutes video?!
most probably the real video will just be 7 mins
then we'll have 3 minutes of credits
Still can't believe i skipped my karate for the drama nite yesterday!!!
and somebody got his grading form!!!
dun think i can take this grading its like 2 weeks away.
:( will be skipping another grading
considering the fact that I absolutely screwed it.
starting on the wrong octave twice and i passed!
muhahahahaha :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 03:28
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Finally posting...
School life has been rilli crazy as usual,
with me failing test which has become sth normal,
and rushing to and fro from ccas and stuff.
Recap on activites since last last wed?
CIP 'flag day' on sun
me and lihui went to toa payoh for this under no roof project to collect donations and sell 50?! houses (some paper foldable cheap houses) for $2 to raise funds for the habitat for humanities to build houses for ppl in other countries.
CIP was quite fun and interesting.
the comments from ppl are quite funny sometimes and can also be quite disturbing ><
yeah and there were some very racist comments from some people too.
11-7 at toa payoh doing flag day was like super tiring!
but we collect a sizeable amount of money in that 6 hours (excluding lunch and dinner)
Went to more than words to buy a present for andrew after that and we realised that we didn't have enough money for his present!
and the worst part was though we could use ez-link cards but we wouldn't have enough money to take express bus home.
it was super hilarous coz we were like digging around for money and then ended up paying half using cash half using ezlink :D
Last sat was some YOG event in school
though faciliating primary school kids were quite boring but they were like super cute!
xD carefree primary school kids
And i saw craig there too haha
so conincidential.
Jordana was like super pro!
she fell asleep halfway through the q and a session haha.
went to parkway to eat after the YOG and chionged all the way to national library to meet hui ying for video project
10minute video for final video project!!!
videomaniac rilli fits its name! :X
Went to douby ghaut after the project to meet some karate frens,
gelinda, jason and christopher to watch a movie.
Cassandra's dream sucks!
its a super boring british movie and we wasted $10 watching it.
it has a super dumb plot and the ending sucks.
lesson learnt: never trust newspaper ratings and the movie website! (Thriller = BORING!) (4 stars = 0 stars, becoz they want ppl to watch the movie)
PS arcade doesn't have air hockey ><
we played the shooting hoops game, the girls almost beat the guys!
and the guys beat the high score for the hammer game.
had a super busy saturday but going out the first time in a long long time was super fun! finally, time to relax! :)
oh and todae we had NDP cheer
:D omg i dun wanna wear the short short skirt!
its wasn't that bad but damn pai seh!
i think like 8 ppl i noe saw me during cheer todae ><
i hope i dun fail bio test!
failing has become a norm!
and passing is like such a big achievement.
Haven't rilli gotten used to the VJ super duper hectic school life but yeah...
learning in progress.
please do not disturb.
LOLS club was recently formed on the bus todae by me and lihui
L: Lame
O: Oso
L: Lagging
S: Slackers
~iAdios :P
NoViA hugged teddy at 06:28