Thursday, 29 May 2008
Played bball todae at fengshan CC with Enan, Zheng Feng, Lihui, Mark, Elgin and Songkai.
Had a great time playing matches against random strangers! :)
Was 1/2hr late... too tired and sort of overslept >.< haha.
Had to meet Sarah at tampines MRT station to pass some stuff to her and the train was freaking slow!
Played against some guys of which two were quite short and one was shorter than me! haha.
actually that's becoz that guy is 9 years old.
but well, he's still shorter than me. hah
And he plays like a one man show! arggg...
well, he was playing this game with some other bedok green sec ppl and apparently he made one of them quite angry. This quite oversized guy who was a b******. So the 9 year old guy's brother and the bedok green guy started to quarrel. Then when the 9 year old guy's brother was walking away that time, the bedok green guy picked up his basketball and threw it at the 9 year old guy's brother's head. And they started fighting.
One of the cleaners and some lady shouted at them till they stopped fighting and the 9 year old guy walked off with his brother.
Was super scary!
Few minutes later, the some other bedok green ppl came, apparently that bedok green guy frens.
The bedok green guy and one of his friends took a freaking spanner and wanted to go after the 9 year old guy and his brother but luckily they came back after a few minutes claiming that they couldn't find them.
It was scarily crazy and real...
Played a 5 VS 3 against some ping yi guys but enan had a leg cramp so he didn't play.
Got blocked numerous times by this tall blue centre! arg...
>.< made me feel so short.
We beat them for the first two sets but when another super duper tall guy joined their team (much taller than elgin), we got trashed!
After the match, I played ABC with one of the ping yi guys and the super duper tall guy! :D
AND I OWNED! YAY! haha. though they were super good. :)
Changed and went to Macs for lunch.
Me, lihui, Mark, Zheng Feng and Enan went to the library, and attempted to study but was distracted by irritating squeaking noises made by some baby :P
Enan suggested the following options:
1. Go down to the second/ first floor to study
2. Use chocolate to tempt the baby into giving us her shoes
3. Just try to tolerate the noise
We went down to the second floor but I still think the 2nd option was the best :D
haha. Some weird guy went to talk to Zheng Feng about some accident. LOL.
We managed to rescue him by leaving the library!
Went to some nearby playground to play zhong ji mi ma
hahaha. Had some lame dares but wasn't that fun coz bedok ppl quite tao one.
And Enan once again ran in circles on the hill screaming and sang bob the builder song!
I went to "stalk" this old man who was "jogging".
Mark pretended to hug some stranger but got taoed haha.
Zheng Feng yelled help help behind some bars at the playground and got a rewarding stare from some old man walking by. haha.
Think lihui was lucky enough to escape without a dare. haha.
Have been really slack lately >.<
Haven't really finished anything except maybe bits and pieces of chemistry which doesn't really count. :X
Karate Kata competition coming up very soon!
and i dunno like almost the whole kata >.<
4 days have passed and the whole first week of hols is almost gone!
Tmrw's pumpfest so i'm gonna sleep early tonite :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 06:31
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Pasir Ris library is a more condusive environment compared to Bedok library to study :D
Went with yi tong in the afternoon to study chem, me and physics, her and managed to finish most of covalent and ionic bonding! A great achievement in a "study group" haha.
But it was fun coz we managed to digress quite a lot, at least
somebody did. haha
Went to yishun safra todae to climb.
and found out a little secret about wei yang and somebody. HAHA!
Bernice and I managed to set a pretty fun route! biased towards tall ppl >.<
Pictures taken during rock-climbing. Some long time ago, some todae at safra :D

NoViA hugged teddy at 08:16
Monday, 26 May 2008
Been quite a long time since i've updated...
loads of crazy stuff happened and now its hols!
xD yay!
but first week of school is review week! OMG... me is screwed super seriously screwed.
ok. quite screwed :(
NoViA hugged teddy at 07:04
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Track trials was quite fun! :D
yeah did loads of funny drills which looked weird.
And did abbs AGAIN. LOL.
Just did it like yesterday >.<
Still not very sure if I can make it for their trainings and whether I can juggle two sports ccas.
Plus being the only IP there is quite weird.
Videomaniac project is quite screwed coz we haven't really finished editing it and its due tmrw at 5!
>.< zzz
and TY sandesh for once again helping us with our video :D
Gotta go practice piano :X haha
NoViA hugged teddy at 06:31
Monday, 5 May 2008
Did NAPFA todae...
Shuttle run: 10.0 >.< quite slow coz i injuried my leg :(
Sit-ups: 48 deproved by like 7!!!
Standing Broad Jump: 209cm :D
Incline Pull-ups: 20 >.< shld have done more
My 2.4 timing was like super slow sia 13.38...
deproved by like more than 1 min!!!
:( getting suckier in NAPFA
Went to edit video after NAPFA and two evil people were laughing at me! >.<
Haven't finished editing for video project and its due on
WED!arg... so i can't go for rock-climbing tmrw :(
And there's NDP cheer on wed >.<
CT investiture is tmrw! YAY! no classes for first two periods :)
but its quite dumb coz i'm skipping IH option which= not skipping lessons at all
This sat is parent-teacher meeting!! ah...
S.C.R.E.W.E.D. sia!
I haven't been practicing piano for quite some time and have been replaying a song for like more than 1 month already >.<
Selling time anyone?
yepps discovered something rilli funny yesterday...
My sis have always been thinking that penguins live in igloos and built the igloos with their wings until her teacher told her on fri! hahahaha. :P
Goal: To do at least one pull-up by the end of the month! :)
NoViA hugged teddy at 06:46
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Labour Day was super fun, filming the video project!
Woke up really early on a public holiday >.< to meet hui ying at bedok MRT to buy some props for the filming and also a little present for all the actors :D
Bought 20+ dollars worth of props and chocolates then rushed to parkway to meet Louis and buy shoelaces, photocopy script and buy whipped cream.
Can't believe that Giant doesn't have whipped cream :X
Spent a long time looking for whipped cream and the big supermarket that sells even clothes doesn't sell whipped cream!
Rushed down to cold storage and finally found a bottle of whipped cream which was like super expensive.
Reached Andrew's house at like 12+, 1 over hour late
Bernice, lihui and huiying helped to slather the butter cake with whipped cream while the guys slacked in the living room.
Filmed the scene with the glued shoes and the super glue was so strong that bernice and my fingers were stuck together.
It was super freaky coz it seemed like the fingers couldn't be seperated! haha.
Sandesh ended up helping us to glue to shoelaces together :)
After that scene, we filmed the scene where the guys arrived at the party which was super hilarious coz Gerald was acting super gay with a pink hat! haha.
Lihui successfully splashed the invisible ink on Gerald with the hilarious
OMG part!
The toilet scene was quite funny too coz the part about vaseline on the doorknob was quite fake and Gerald was like hammering on the door shouting help. LOL.
Felt quite bad towards Louis coz we had no time to film the part he was acting and he had to sit there and wait for like 3 hours.
Really sorry if you're reading this) :(
Everyone was hungry so some of them went down to tai pan first to order the dishes.
The last scene we filmed at Andrew's house was the scene where Girl 3 was supposed to have a secret 'crush' on Marc.
>.< ok tt scene was pretty embarrasing.
And Andrew was filmed accidentally in the scene when everything was almost perfect so we had to do it again >.<
Went down to tai pan to join them for lunch and we played zhong ji mi ma again!
Sandesh was once again super lucky thrice!
Gerald was dared to get a number from one of the waitresses which was quite hilarious coz he didn't noe the chinese word for dare. haha.
Lihui and Bernice had to leave after lunch so we quickly filmed the scene where bernice was supposed to smash Sandesh's head into the cake! :D
Gerald ended up smashing Sandesh's head into the cake coz Bernice didn't want to do it. haha.
The camera battery died on us so we had to charge it at one of the powerpoints at Andrew's void deck and we camped there, Zheng Feng, Marc, Gerald, Sandesh, Huiying and me :)
We played some thumb number game and I ended up getting slapped loads of times >.<
(slow reflexes :X)
Continued with smashing Sandesh's head into the cake after the battery was fully charged and the cake had indentations of Sandesh's face instead to breaking apart!
haha. Managed to finish filming the rest of the scenes and took a bus to Bedok with Sandesh.
Chionged all the way home and managed to print out the scanned pages from lihui coz i forgot to bring my textbook home to study ting xie.
Dad drove me to victoria theatre for the dhs CS concert.
Sammy invited me along coz her sister was performing Chinese Dance and managed to see Carrie and Esther there :D
So gonna fail ting xie coz i studied for 1/2 hour before sleeping >.<
Ting Xie was quite screwed coz i didn't noe half the words.
Bio was slack coz ms chua had to leave early so took the time to do the lit project.
Finished the Lit project during EA while waiting for the IP 2s to end their ea to film video and helped lihui for her gangster movie.
Managed get Mr Lee to help us act as the teacher in the script and finished all the scenes that needed to be done.
And Renjie helped us to film and he was a great director.
:) Went home with Lihui and we realised that the head for the tripod was still on my video cam and she needed to use it for her filming the next day.
Karate was quite fun coz we did sparring.
Did bag kicking with this muay thai guy who was quite strong.
Had to spar with Sensei >.<
His hook punch is super strong! Makes you go out of breath for a moment.
He told us about last time when they had to bring a medical box for sparring coz training was super tough then and those who rode bikes to lesson had to take a taxi back and some even went to hospital for stitches! :X
Tt's super scary lar.
Reached school at 8 coz lihui forgot to tell me that her filming started at 9 so stoned in school for 1/2 hour attempting to do chinese mock paper and listening to the harmonica band playing some chinese songs.
Met Manu and Michelle then headed up to class to get the tripod head for lihui.
We went to Neptune Court to film a scene at the void deck and I was the 'gang leader' :D
haha. with Zheng Feng, Alvin and Manu as the gang members.
We 'fought' with Jiang Han, Botak which was quite funny coz the scene was a bit fake haha.
Rushed back to school for rock-climbing theory which was quite boring coz the instructor talked about the equipment and stuff.
Went to parkway for lunch at KFC and met the V11 guys who have finished filming.
Me and bernice were complaining about the rock-climbing guys coz they made Boon Yi sit at the table while they went to buy their lunch first! How gentlemanly is tt! WTH.
Tried hand-ons at belaying back to school and managed not to kill Bernice! haha. But no promises if anyone ends up upside down! I'll probably end up laughing my head off and forget about the climber. LOL!
The climber calls were quite funny too coz I couldn't remember them for nuts and Bernice had to repeat them more than 3 times.
We were joking about having the belayer wear a helment too in case the climber shouts Rock and the belayer is knocked unconcious then the climber would be stuck on the wall!!! hahaha.
Everyone passed the assessment test and the quiz so we are all certified
showered in school and went with Boon Yi to parkway to meet Sarah for dance concert at nite.
Ate pastamania for dinner and bought nice
BASKETBALL sneaker balls! :D yay!
The VJ dance concert was damn nice coz the lighting was super cool and the dancers were great :D
Saw mr low dancing which was super funny! and ms ng was good.
Oh and I saw Mr teo the dhs discipline master at the dance concert! Super shocked when he waved to me!
Went home with Sarah and saw one of my primary school classmates...
Hmmm... Shld organise a class outing during June Hols
Thank Yous toAll the ppl that helped in the filming for videomaniac project.Especially...
Gerald, Sandesh, Marc, Ren Jie, Zheng Feng, Lihui, Bernice, Louis.And also Huiying my videomaniac partner! :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 05:40