Sunday, 29 June 2008
A little lag by like 4 days but
haha. think i screwed like most of the papers but enjoy while i still can, at least before we get back the test papers.
Right after the physics paper on thurs which was harder and expected, went with kim and lihui to century to watch the boxing movie, Never Back Down.
It was a little like step up except the movie was about boxing and tickets on weekdays afternoon were cheaper :D
The fights in the movie had really nice kicks and there was a nice ko mawashi.
Kim left after the movie so lihui and I went to the library while waiting for the guys at Enan's house and ended up borrowing books.
Met the rest of the guys and girls at sakae for buffet lunch at 3 and we ate loads till we were all stuffed and stacked loads of plates. haha.
Bernice and Eileen ate salmon and they didn't want the rice so they squashed it under the plates.
Had training on fri where we learnt lead climbing.
Was quite difficult to clip the rope initially but after loads of practice it got better :)
Rockamania's a week away and me and bernice are taking part in both speed and high wall. >.<
Waited a little while for the guys then went to eat lunch with them.
Karate training that night was damn slack guess coz loads of ppl didn't come becoz of the com the week before and the sensei was selling a damn cool gi for 95 bucks >.<
Man its super thick! but its super ex. haha.
NDP burnt my whole saturday!
Went to school at 10am for rehearsal and the bus fetched us to the marina bay floating platform.
The costume's freaking ugly, blue and yellow.
The designer must be colour blind! lols.
And the skirt's freaking short! OMG. >.<
Spent almost the whole day at marina bay and the weather was super hot!
Lunch wasn't so bad and we had KFC for dinner.
National Day's 4 shows away and the cheerleading performance is severly underpracticed.
Hopefully we won't screw up National day. haha.
School again tmrw and hope that the test papers won't be given back tmrw. or GG.
*fingers crossed!*
NoViA hugged teddy at 06:46
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Certificate of Participation.Competition was really tough todae at the kata competition.
Loads of black belts with super good katas.
Well, a little disappointed but the outcome was quite expected. haha.
Met Rosani who took part in the kata competition too! and she promised not to bring her gi for the august grading which i'm most probably gonna take. :D
Left with the lit assignment now and haven't touched la and chem.
Screwed for tmrw's test. :X
Off to finish homework now. zzz.
NoViA hugged teddy at 04:10
Friday, 20 June 2008
2 days of holidays left, and i've barely started on my homework.
Been slacking at home the whole week, trying to finish studying the whole of maths.
UNSUCCESSFUL. (as expected)
due to the dozens distractions from the com, 8 dvds that my mum borrowed and rented, stack of tempting stories book which i unfortunately read all of them instead of doing my homework.
So, I'm left with less than 36hours-9(karate competition tmrw)-8(sleeping time)-2(lunch plus bathing)= 17 hours to do:
1. All my homework which includes: Two chinese essays, One Bio Eu, Literature Essay, plus some maths worksheet i think, and i think got somemore.
2. Study and revise L.A. and i'm still quite clueless about Nationality.
3.Study and revise Chem which i'm only half way through.
4. And if i've got the time on top of all tt which i'm supposed to finish by todae, take a look at the kata videos and practise my Yantsu kata and Seipai kata, but i dun even think i'll be able to make it to the Seipai round though. :(
My mum's stocking up the fridge and trying to stuff me with junk food and ice-cream again!
And now tt rock-climbing training has stopped, which means i'm getting virtually no exercise.
No Exercise + Loads of Ice-cream, Cadbury, Kit-kat = Gaining weight = No more Under 50 = probably have to fight under above 50 catergory if i ever go for a sparring competition = Getting totally owned.
Have been reading quite a lot of books lately, which means lesser time to study, think on an average around 2 novels a day, which is around 4x2 = 8 hours wasted on reading >.<
maybe tt's y i'm left with so much stuff to do in 17 hours.
Went back to school the other day, think it was a wednesday for some record challenge thing that ODAC was taking part in.
They needed around 200 students but they didn't have enough ppl so they called ppl from AJC, TJC, Cedar, loads of ppl not from VJ.
Quite sad that it's supposed to be a VJ thing and there are ppl from other JCs coming to help instead of Victorians.
The filming was super duper long and we had to be evacuated to the pt when it rained.
All of us had to wear painted t-shirts that were supposed to form a picture of a subway sandwich, but the end result didn't really turn out a subway sandwich, more of sushi?
Off for lunch now and to finish everything tt needs to be done in 17 hours. >.<
NoViA hugged teddy at 22:31
Saturday, 14 June 2008
1 week left till review week and Kata com!
Had been quite busy with rock-climbing this week.
Managed to complete 5 routes and 1 endurance route yesterday at climbasia :)
Watched August rush on thursday.
Its a great show :D with a nice happy ending haha.
Haven't had the time to study much lately and i haven't started on maths >.<
and haven't touched my homework.
I'm sitting with andrew, minlin, liesl and kun lun the next term. >.<
Gonna be super bored there and stressed surrounded by all the super hardworking ppl
Off to play daycare nightmare :)
NoViA hugged teddy at 00:33
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Speed climbing's fun! :D
had training yesterday and went to school again this morning.
loads of cuts and bruises now :(
Haven't started studying maths! SCREWED.
hehe. almost saw mr. low todae. >.< whew.
Went to taipan after training todae with wan ling and boon yi,
and we pranked some rock-climbing guys which turned out super funny!
In a recent survey, we found out that they had an intelligence level of a turkey which effectively is the dumbest animal on the planet. hehe.
haven't even started on my homework. oh man!
ok. now for the quiz >.<
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: 5.35pm
Name: Novia
Sisters: 1
Brothers: 0
Shoe size: er... think 6.5?
Height: haha. (secret) :D
Where do you live?
Pasir Ris the best place ever right opposite the MRT! :)
Favourite drinks?
Dun rilli like any in particular.
Favourite breakfast?
Crossiant :D
Have you ever been on a plane?
Swam in the ocean?
Nope. -.-
Fallen asleep at school?
Yep. Quite a few times i guess and the teachers don't usually notice! :)
Fell off your chair?
Think so. haha.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?
Yep. lol.
Saved e-mails?
haha. yeah. but have deleted those "bad" memories.
What is your room like?
hmm... a "little" messy?
What’s right beside you?
A fan?
What is the last thing you ate?
Taipan for lunch. Butter Squid! :D
Ever had ...Chicken pox?
Yep. A long long time ago!
Sore throat?
Not really those really bad types till your voice is disfigured, but used to have it quite a lot when i was young due to the unfinishable supply of junk food at my house (blame that on my mum)
hmm... which one? the running one or the thread hospital one?
thread hospital one? Nope and not planning to have any soon.
Running one? loads of times and it hurts like hell, damn annoying.
n who's fault was that?
Broken nose?
Nope. And not planning to get one too!
Do you believe in love at first sight?
hmm... first sight maybe not really but second sight? maybe? haha.
Like picnics?
Yep. Though i have exactly been to one for a long long time.
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with?
Er... I can't dance! haha.
Last made you smile?
I smile a lot! haha. :)
You last yelled at?
I'm a very nice person! I dun yell.
Today you did?
Rock-climbing training! :D
Have you ever ... ..Kissed anyone?
Yep. My parents. haha.
Get sick?
Duh. Not often though.
Miss someone?
Duh. haha.
Best feeling in the world?
Completing everything to be done at the end of the day.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
yep. haha :) i've 3 teddy bears but my sister's worse! her whole half of the bed is covered with soft toys haha.
What’s under your bed?
Dust, blackness, and occasionally we find long lost bedroom slippers or long lost stuffed toys under the bed. :D
Who do you really hate?
Liars (white liars don't count), backstabbers
What time is it now?
Random.Is there a person who is on your mind now?
hmm... nope? hehe.
Do you have any siblings?
Yep. One annoying younger sister!
Do you want children?
Aren't we a little young to talk about this?
Do you smile often?
Yeah. :):):)
Do you like your hand-writing?
sometimes, depends. :D
Are your toe nails painted?
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?
Dunno. My sister would most probably kick me out of bed if i sleep in hers and my mum and dad's sharing so there's no other alternative.
What color shirt are you wearing now?
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday?
good question. If i'm not wrong, I was playing daycare nightmare on the com! :)
When did you cry last?
Yesterday. :(
Are you a friendly person?
Yep. haha.
Do you have any pets?
Nope. I only fishes i had when i was young died in a few days after i bought them :(
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
How would i noe? -.-
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?
Yep. My parents! :D
Do you sleep with the TV on?
Nope. That's wasting electricity!
What are you doing right now?
Filling up this damn quiz which is freaking long. >.<
Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yep. :)
Can you handle the truth?
Are you too forgiving?
Are you closer to your mother or father?
Erm... both?
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
*cheeky smile*
How many people can you say you’ve really loved?
enough to count with my fingers :P
Do you eat healthy?
Trying to. but the dozen boxs and tubes of chocolates and sweets, ice-cream, junk food in my house are quite hard to resist.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
hm... depends.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
Loud i think.
Are you confident?
depends on the stuff that i'm doing.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Watching tv
2. Playing
3. Sleeping
4. Eating
5. Can't really remember, tt's like how super long ago?
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Get over and done with this quiz!
2. Finish studying at least Proteins. >.<
3. Practice piano.
4. Watch a movie, becoming jane! :D
5. Sleep by 11
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolates
2. Ice-cream
3. Sweets
4. Popcorn
5. Biscuits
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Donate half to charity :D
2. Buy a new nice house
3. Give a quarter to my parents
4. Invest the rest.
5. Play bball and rock-climb everyday! :)
5 of my bad habits:
1. Procrastination
2. Super easily distracted
3. Lazy me >.<
4. Slacking most of the time.
5. Doing quizzes like this!
5 places I have lived in:
1. Somewhere a long long time ago in Serangoon area.
2. Babysitter's house in Hougang or is it Punggol?
3. Pasir Ris where I'm living now.
4. can't think of anymore
5. gosh this quiz is damn freaking long!
5 jobs I’ve had:
None. Unless you count studying as a job which i certainly think it is.
5 people I tag:
I'm a nice person. I dun put ppl through this torturing quiz which made me waste at least 1/2 hour!
Finally completed this freaking long quiz! whew.
Gonna play daycare nightmare now :)
NoViA hugged teddy at 02:25
Saturday, 7 June 2008
FINALLY completed the damned overhang! YAY!!! haha.
the overhang's pretty fun once you've completed it so i'm gonna try it again! :D
Played bball again with zheng feng, enan, lihui, elgin (who was more than 3 hours late) and clarence.
And we saw that weird guy who was talking to zf at the library the other time we played bball. hehe.
the ping yi guys didn't come, and there was some event being held at fengshan CC,
so we had to migrate to a nearby outdoor court to play, which made me a little redder and blacker now. >.<
Went to tm to have lunch and met my bball teammates.
Took a bus down to jh house to play tennis and swim which i didn't with sarah, eliz, sammy, rach. And they met some unfortunate sec 1 junior on the bus.
haha. We went up to her house to borrow tennis rackets and rach was making sick comments.
Tennis was fun but i kept missing the ball, and we looked like noobs playing beside some kid with his dad who was so much better than us at the game. haha.
Eliz and rach decided to play bball and they totally owned the guys playing.
Played ABC and horse with some guy living in jh's condo and totally owned him. haha.
Eliz and rach were swimming in the pool when two little girls in the pool splashed water at them.
It was super hilarious coz the two girls were disturbing them and trying to splash water at them.
When rach left the pool, the little girl said, goodbye loser. LOL!
Rach actually wanted to say goodbye sucker but sadly her mum was there. haha.
Then when we were sitting at the playground, we saw a guy shouting:
hey boy! don't steal my stones! LOL.
A cute little boy was carrying stones and putting them at the playground.
JH condo is full of weird ppl!
and the security guards pick on ppl for everything,
eg. sitting on the seesaw coz they claim we are too heavy and will spoil the seesaw
no taking pictures at the pool, so eliz took a picture from in the pool.
Friday's training damn fun.
COZ I CLEARED THE OVERHANG! :)haha. and we climbed 25 x 2 storeys up a HDB block.
Played bball with zf again after training and got owned by my OGL.
he's damn gd at ABC, and he isn't a bball player.
:( Shall train my shooting. hehe.
Sensei was away in China, so training was lead by senpai Colin.
Did loads of bag punching and kicking which was more fun than normal training.
KATA com is 2 weeks away! >.<
Finally bought my
new chalk bag on sat! :)
from pennisular plaza.
its damn ex though... 42 dollars.
hehe. can't wait to use it! :D
oh and for the quiz gonna do it next time. Sry. mum's bugging me to off the com. >.<
NoViA hugged teddy at 22:03
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
9th for PUMPFEST! >.<
and that's becozof the small number of participants :DWas super nervous for the first route >.<
almost died of heart attacks haha.
the shirt for pumpfest was super duper low cut, though bernice said i shld have gotten used to it
but its like even more low cut than bball jerseys. oh well.
the goodie bags had
MAXIM and a ton of vouchers.
the organisers literally spammed vouchers.
oh and the mcs sucked.
they screwed up loads of names and i didn't get
there was free milo and red bull
and bernice tried like half the can and i tried one sip which already gave me a headache >.<
hehe. Bernice went like super duper high. LOL.
too much red bull's no good! it gives diabetes.
Had karate at nite.
Was super tired already and the sensei made us do like at least 40 kicks for each kick, total around 15 kicks.
40 x 15 yeah, plus punches and squats and push-ups.
dying at the end of training.
KATA competition is coming soon.
22nd june >.< tt's in like 2 weeks. OMG!
I'm gonna get owned by all the pro blacks.
plus my kata's still quite screwed with loads of mistakes :X
Slacked the whole saturday away...
Went for a 9 x 2(walk to the end and back) = around
18 km walk on sun with my parents.
got dragged out of the house by my parents on a
AT 7+!!went for a walk at telok blagah walking a freaking 9km across several bridges.
And went for karate again at nite!
Children's class was slacker but after a 18km walk my legs were close to breaking.
A little better at the kata but dun even think i can get to the third round.
Rock climbing training on mon.
Early in the morning
was supposed to climb 25 storeys but due to shortage of time it's supposed to be postponed to fri *whew*
Had a go at speed climbing which was super exhilarating!
Had house comm meeting after training.
I'm in teacher's day and inter-house twister adhocs :D
went to pp to meet wan ling and jane to go jane's house to bake cookies and cake for handover on tues at sentosa.
and i ate my lunch at the bus stop at 4! haha.
Had loads of fun baking cookies and worrying about the exploding cake. :D
the marshmellows on the cake was quite burnt but were super crunchy!
haha. and we found out that we bought the wrong cake mix, was supposed to be brownies.
hehe. and wan ling ended mixing the cake with a spoon instead of an electric mixer and when the mix was in the oven we then realised that mistake.
but luckily, the cake was still edible haha.
made banana muffins too. which turned out kind of lumpy.
and the rainbow stuff on the cake melted.
The cookies were the most successful!
coz it's made by
ME! hahaha.
Miraculously, i managed to study a little on tues morning before gg to sentosa! :)
Met Adlin at pasir ris mrt together with the big box of cake.
Saw elgin on the train and loads of ppl were staring at the cake.
haha. coz it's made by us! :D
two ppl said out loud that they wanted to eat it! haha.
and there was this boy who walked over to the cake and stared at it for a very long time at the mrt station.
First time taking the monorail to sentosa, though i think it's like quite ex.
the seniors were playing soccer on palawan beach and after the juniors joined in too, it became like a 20+ ppl game to soccer, in a very small soccer "field" with juniors outnumbering the seniors 2:1 haha.
the pot luck was quite nice, but the cookies were the nicest! haha. :)
after the handover, we managed to dunk jane (only her elbow went into the water and we carried her a long long way) haha.
had to leave at 9 coz my mum was angry so jane and I ran all the way to the monorail station.
But we realised we made a super big round. hahaha. :D
Climbed the high wall todae.
but didn't managed to clear the stupid overhang.
super depressing.
shall stop here.
off to play daycare nightmare! it's a super fun game :D

NoViA hugged teddy at 05:16