Monday, 29 September 2008
Haven't been posting for quite awhile after EOYs. Guess I have been a little too busy with post exam activites and enjoying the life after exams, stress-free and worry-free! Exhilarating to have time to slack again! Though it seems like there's still a shortage of time, having a gazillion things that i still want to do and haven't brought myself to do them. Yep with all the house comm stuff going on and still coming up farewell assembly video and lessons now, it just feels like any normal day already. Busy busy me AGAIN! >.<>.< and there's still PIANO PIANO PIANO... hahas ranting ranting ranting... oops on a triple rant. yep and my mum's asking me to take up muay thai during the hols, still considering that offer. Not that I'm not busy enough already but it should be fun. :D Post exams activites were quite fun last week though, great that i didn't manage to accidentally burn up the kitchen during the cooking lessons haha. what are values weren't that bad coz the movie was rather interesting and yep it got me thinking. About really loads of things and some really confusing stuff too haha. hmmm after exams and i'm still so busy :X Oh well, there's still rock-climbing training and my stomach's already aching from today's pt. heh. OK shall stop posting here and

Rock-climbing noticeboard

Cards made by me! :)

NoViA hugged teddy at 06:56
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Off to the beach today!
technically the first day of freedom!
:D Met at "9" at Pasir Ris mrt with kim, lihui, sk, enan, elgin, alvin, clarence, yi jie, chia hock and jiang han. (-.- guys out number gals once again, shortage of sporty gals in the level!)
Volleyball at pasir ris beach was spastic with an imaginary net made out of a lamp post and a tree?!
yepp everyone noes hu's idea that was.
and we played touch rugby with volleyball! wheee can invent new sport for indi.
Kim and all the guys cycled, while me and lihui were "desperately trying" to catch up and vivian joined us halfway :D
Roller-blading's tiring. zzz. and i fell once :( breaks my record of not falling for close to two years.
Finally exercising after the end of years haha.
yep. shagged.
NoViA hugged teddy at 05:05
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
EOY are FINALLY over!whee......
good cause for celebration. :)
Oops haven't been updating for a long long time.
I'm so screwed for EOYs.
ling shi bao fo jiao. zzz.
Not gonna do that next year, bad for health.
Have been so stressed lately mugging for EOYs (can you possibly believe Novia's mugging, no right?),
Definition of mugging in Novia's dictionary: Cup of water beside the table and 10words per min, snail's pace...
Anyways, to sum up my past two weeks in one word...
NIGHTMARE!wahoo! haha.
I'm gonna ruin my holiday studying for re-papers. :(
yep but back to the whole point,
EXAMS ARE OVER!!! :):)we will worry about re-paper in 2 weeks time.
but in the meanwhile,
we (lihui kim and me) went suntec for lunch today!
finally the long awaited freedom (though its unlikely to last)
As the saying goes:
ENJOY WHILE YOU CAN!long list of things I'm gonna do.
1. Slack
2. Sleep
3. Train (without wheels)
4. Play bball
5. Watch movies
6. Slack some more
7. Go to the beach
List is endless.
And the best part is there's a karate competition, Asia tournament in singapore in OCT
Anyone free or interested to join me? :D tickets are $10.
OK. Super lazy now to blog and pictures at SAF will be posted some other time :D
NoViA hugged teddy at 06:17